Star Wars Mush Wiki

Refrain of Anshalar's Battle Ensign
Refrain of Anshalar
Class: Legacy Cruiser
Launched: Unknown
Built at: Unknown
Principality: Jedi Order
Sim Status: Coded
Ops Status: Active
Mods: Specially designed bridge controls, meant to enhance a Jedi or Force User's ability to operate the vessel, and severely limit a normal person's ability to operate the vessel.
Embarked Units
Notaries: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker
Jedi Knight Ai'kani Za'netra
Flight: X-wing Jedi One
YT-1300 Rising Phoenix
Ground: 1000 specially trained security troopers

The Refrain of Anshalar was a strange and unique vessel of unknown origin or design, which often served as a capital-scale spaceborne home for the Jedi Order. Today, it serves as a secondary mobile base and war vessel for the Jedi Order.


Some two-hundred and fifty meters long, the Refrain of Anshalar presented a striking profile against the backdrop of space. It was clearly an antiquated design, vaguely similar to what a small dreadnaught might be, but otherwise having no obvious comparison in modern space vessel engineering. A bulbuous front section seemed far out of proportion, sloping down plainly uninterrupted until it reached the rear of the ship. The entire ventral section was slightly rounded, but not to the extent of the dorsal half, so the upper overhung the lower by a significant amount with a stylish sharp line. A pair of forward pointing wings swept forward and from the very aft portion of the ship. Also in the very rear was a large bank of three sublight ion drives, each one glowing starry white when the ship was on the move. Overall, the vessel seemed well-maintained, but had more than its fair share of bruises; patches were welded on all over its frame, and battle damage left the majority of its frame blackened and scarred.


Recent Events[]

In 15 ABY, it became the sole, mobile headquarters of the Jedi after Coruscant fell to the Empire.

During the escalation of the Nar Shaddaa Revolution of 15 ABY, Luke Skywalker summoned Refrain of Anshalar to the Smugglers Moon, to serve as a mobile platform for Falcon Squadron's reconnaissance sweeps. Command was given to Rook Barnsdale for the duration of the operation.

When the New Jedi Temple construction was complete, the vessel returned to its normal operation.



Attacking Side[]

Defending Side[]
